Dear Motherhood
Dear Motherhood,
You are demanding, exhausting, and loud. Ever since you came along, I haven't been able to finish a hot cup of coffee or pee in private. My showers are hit and miss. I am constantly picking up after you. Your task is enormous. Overwhelming at times. You didn't give me a manual when the doctor placed those beautiful bundles onto my chest. I have stretch marks and scars because of you. I'm amazed at the weight I could gain and lose because of you. But because of you - I am better. You have taught me a new form of selflessness. Of sacrifice. Of loving so hard that it hurts. You challenge me. Stretch me. You keep me awake at night and wake me up at dawn. My life has become a season of dirty diapers, potty-training, sliced apples, Goldfish crackers and chocolate milk. Going to the grocery store has gone from an errand to an event. People look. Stare. And some have the guts to ask if they're all mine or if I'm babysitting or running a Daycare. I hear my hands are full. And maybe they are. Four kids. Ages 6, 4, 2, and New. But I asked for this. Prayed for this. And God heard me. Answered me. Chose me. So for that, I will embrace all of you. The demanding, exhausting, and loud. The messy. The complicated. The long days and sleepless nights. The very "firsts"... The smiles, hugs, and slobbery wet kisses. God didn't ask me to know it all or to do it all. He just asked me to be faithful with all that He entrusted me with. Proverbs tells me that if I "start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." I'm hanging my hat on that. I'm trusting the very One who introduced us. And so, dear Motherhood, let's do this. 💕
P.S. If you think my hands are full, peek inside my heart!